Machine Learning engineers attempt to answer the eternal question: are there words or concepts that are “universally translatable” across the world’s different cultures and languages?
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Concepts integral to the human condition exist independent of language, and vocabularies are used to name those concepts
Disrupting the functioning of a power grid using about $50 worth of equipment tucked inside a disposable coffee cup
Taylor Wessing and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati have a new technology product to help clients concoct their return-to-the-office strategy
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A new technology product to help clients concoct their return-to-the-office strategy
If you didn’t already know, there is a ton of readily available satellite TV electronics you can use to sniff and inspect satellite internet [...]
Just another nail in the coffin of data privacy. A U.S. government contractor has embedded software in mobile apps to track phones [WITH VIDEO]
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I’m sure that the security around it is absolutely rock solid and not at all at risk from Chinese state and other [...]
2020 is on track to become the most litigated U.S. election season ever