Europe proposes tackling child abuse by killing privacy, strong encryption. Cybersecurity experts are aghast. But does it really matter?
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The existence of all “our ” formal and informal data sharing alliances makes all this chatter somewhat farcical.
The latest PC replacement project also reflects Beijing’s growing concerns around information security as well as a confidence in homegrown hardware.
Rerouting traffic to Russia-controlled regions makes Ukrainians’ data vulnerable to interception and censorship by the Kremlin
Weren’t they supposed to cut back on the [...]
Microsoft operating systems: among the easiest to learn, and also the most hackable. Add in Russia’s current Ukraine War plan and it’s a field day for credential harvesting.
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Gee, with all that money you pay for Windows Defender and other Microsoft security services you’d think they would handle these types of issues. [...]
A new report suggests that a small but vibrant group of smartphone hackers may be challenging the world’s most digitally restrictive [...]
The social network’s user data and more will soon be at the whims of the world’s richest man. Who’s worried?
This NSO Group buzz shows no sign of decreasing.