ChatGPT creates mutating malware that evades detection by EDR

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Mutating, or polymorphic, malware can be built using the ChatGPT API at runtime to effect advanced attacks that can evade endpoint detections and response (EDR) applications.




Alexis Estes

Cybersecurity Analyst

Project Counsel Media

7 JUNE 2023 — Cybersecurity experts have shown that ChatGPT creates mutating malware that can avoid detection by endpoint detections and response (EDR) applications.

According to this article in CSO, ChatGPT creates mutating malware that evades detection by EDR. A recent series of proof-of-concept attacks show how a benign-seeming executable file can be crafted such that at every runtime, it makes an API call to ChatGPT. Rather than just reproduce examples of already-written code snippets, ChatGPT can be prompted to generate dynamic, mutating versions of malicious code at each call, making the resulting vulnerability exploits difficult to detect by cybersecurity tools. From the article:

“ChatGPT lowers the bar for hackers, malicious actors that use AI models can be considered the modern ‘Script Kiddies’. The malware ChatGPT can be tricked into producing is far from ground-breaking but as the models get better, consume more sample data and different products come onto the market, AI may end up creating malware that can only be detected by other AI systems for defense. What side will win at this game is anyone’s guess”.

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