It’s not often you see something intelligent from France when it comes to tech and data
HEY! Want to breach your own cyber security? Then Tweet about your data breach and spill the beans!
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Security gaffes and Twitter: how to commit an own goal
DEFENDANT: “Complying with discovery violates consumers’ California Consumer Privacy Act privacy rights”. COURT: “What are you .. nuts!?”
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Nice try, but the CCPA does not prohibit [...]
Oh, pity the Public Relations Department: U.S. law firms report a flood of high earnings in times of brutal adversity
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A growing number of U.S. law firms are posting some astonishingly high financial results
Explore a selection of free chapters and articles from the latest books and journals in the OUP “Data Protection Law [...]
The law is incredibly complex, and so envisioned the possibility of “authorized agents” that would [...]
“Cloud computing 101” – lessons from Parler, Amazon and the alt-right. Plus a lesson on cyber (in)security.
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PLUS : Parler’s data was not “hacked”. The truth was far simpler: Parler lacked the most basic security measures [...]
If UK law firms don’t start hiring digital professionals en masse … well, they deserve to wilt and die
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While it’s fair to point out that tech staff have significant operational roles, the most important aspect of these numbers is the [...]