In its new format, “Weekend E-Discovery/Tech Diversions” will focus on one story: an interesting e-discovery event, or technology event, or legal issue (or a mix of the three).
eTERA Consulting [...]
From London, the US-UK Global Cyber Security Innovation Summit: “we are leaving our digital front doors wide open” [UPDATED]
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In its new format, “Weekend E-Discovery/Tech Diversions” will focus on one story, an interesting e-discovery or technology event or post (or a mix of the two).
eTERA Consulting is the [...]
The International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy: “It’s the narrative, stupid! (listen up lawyers: you, too)”
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It’s the math, stupid! How Google converted language translation into a problem of vector space mathematics
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Google’s quest to end the language barrier and the possible effect on non-English e-discovery document reviews
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Da Roma, Italia: il Workshop DESI V sulla codifica predittiva, l’apprendimento automatico ed un’ esamina dell’e-discovery [CORRELATO CON VIDEO-INTERVISTE]
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